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7 Best Lawn Care in Tucson, AZ - USA Today

Get ratings and reviews for the top 7 lawn care companies in Tucson, AZ. Helping you find the best lawn care companies for the job. The Homefront Local has identified the 7 Best Lawn Care in Tucson, Arizona, using a unique algorithm to score companies based on their user reviews and their popularity in their local area. The criteria includes companies with at least 3.5 out of 5 stars on Google Reviews and a good rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The company is selected based on its average customer rating and number of ratings to surface the best pros in your area. These services require regular changes throughout the year, with certain tasks being performed once a year and once per season. For continued growth, water, fertilize and mow your lawn several times a year. Make sure the company is licensed and insured. The only company required to be licensed for performing regular lawn care or high-level landscape design.

7 Best Lawn Care in Tucson, AZ - USA Today

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Only companies that meet our strict criteria are selected

We researched all the lawn care companies that service your area

Homefront Local uses a unique algorithm to score lawn care companies based on important factors like user reviews and how popular they are in your area.

A beautiful lawn adds value to your home. Well-kept landscaping makes a great first impression on guests and homebuyers, and it implies overall property care. Hire one of the best lawn care companies in Tucson to keep your yard looking perfect year-round. Lawn care demands constant attention throughout the year, and certain maintenance must be repeated all year long to ensure your grass and shrubs stay healthy. This can be especially tricky in Tucson, where hot summers pose a risk to your lawn’s health.

Find the best local lawn care company for you in Tucson Look for lawn care companies in Tucson with at least 3.5 out of 5 stars on Google Reviews and a good rating on Better Business Bureau (BBB). Use the filters below to help you find the right company for your needs. We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies This provider is within 5 miles of Tucson . We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies This provider is within 5 miles of Tucson . We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies This provider is within 5 miles of Tucson . We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies This provider is within 5 miles of Tucson . We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies We rank local service providers based on their average customer rating and number of ratings in order to surface the best pros in your area. Better than of companies

What services does my lawn need in Tucson? Lawn care requires regular changes throughout the year. Certain services must be done once a year, while other tasks should be done once per season. These are common Tucson lawn services that help preserve your lawn's color and growth throughout the seasons:

• Year-round: For continued growth, water, fertilize and mow your lawn several times a year. How often you need to do this is based on whether your yard goes dormant during the winter months.

• Spring: When spring arrives, it's time to clear debris like branches and leaves off of your grass. Aerating the soil is another way to improve lawn health in spring, allowing air, water and nutrients to better permeate your grass. Distribute fertilizer afterward to nurture growth. Overseeding also helps improve patchy areas.

• Summer: The sweltering summer heat in Tucson means that lawns require diligent watering, but be sure to pay attention to water restrictions in your area. Regular mowing promotes heartier, more drought-resistant grass. To keep pests at bay, schedule regular pest control services as necessary. You may also spread fertilizer during the summer to make up for nutrients lost during the spring.

• Fall: Seeding light spots will promote new growth next spring. Clearing leaves is vital, since an excess of them on the ground can suffocate your lawn and spur mold. Aerating soil and putting down winterizing fertilizer will both also help grass survive winter's chill.

• Winter: The gentle Tucson winters probably won’t harm your plants, but critters may still chew on the bark of unprotected trees and shrubs. Wrapping is recommended to help protect your plants during the colder months. Throughout the winter, cut off dead branches and apply dormant oil to foliage to avert infestations.

How do you choose the best lawn care company in Tucson? To hire the best lawn maintenance company in Tucson, read online reviews and get input from family and friends. Inspect services, estimates, qualifications and know-how with these pointers when considering different providers. Make sure the company is licensed and insured What licenses a lawn care company needs varies between states. In Arizona, lawn care professionals do not need any kind of special license to perform either regular lawn care or more high-level services like landscape design or planting. The only service that a lawn care company needs to be licensed for is applying pesticides, in which case they must have a Private Applicator, Commercial Applicator, Pest Control Advisor or Custom Applicator License from the Arizona Department of Agriculture - Environmental Services Section. Companies working with pesticides and herbicides are also required to be licensed through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Inquire about your contractor's certification and confirm compliance with local laws. Find out what services they offer Lawn care companies often have unique areas of expertise. When examining local providers, inquire about the range of services offered. Certain companies primarily offer routine upkeep like mowing, while others specialize in services like landscape design. The materials used can also vary — some utilize chemical products, while others promote eco-conscious options. Lawn care providers differ in the types of service plans they offer. You might consider choosing a seasonal package that covers a variety of services, rather than scheduling individual service visits. Consider your needs and which companies have suitable plans. Keep an eye out for special deals that local companies offer at the beginning of the season. If you don't want certain chemicals used on your lawn, many providers offer natural methods instead. When researching companies, find out about which green products they use.

Questions to ask your lawn care provider When researching lawn maintenance services nearby, ask these questions to potential providers. What services do you recommend for my lawn? Every yard is different in its size and health. A professional can help you choose the services you need and design a lawn care schedule that meets your needs. How often do you recommend services? How often your lawn needs specific services is largely dependent on your local weather, how much land you have and if the land is mostly grass or other ground cover. Most yards need mowing about once per month throughout the spring, summer and fall. You may need to fertilize your grass annually or quarterly, while winterizing a lawn is generally an annual service based on your region and lawn care professional’s recommendations. How long do services typically take? How long lawn services take is influenced by several factors, like treatment type, lawn condition and yard size. A pest treatment in a tiny area might only take minutes. However, winterizing an expansive lawn could take hours to complete. When will I start seeing a benefit from services? How fast lawn services show effects depends on what treatments are being used. Snow removal and manual weed pulling offer immediate results. But, enhancements from fertilizer, seeding and aeration take days or weeks to appear. Do I need to be home when services are being provided? You're not required to be home for lawn care services, but some companies insist that you be present during the first service to go over the service plan. For later visits, the lawn care professional may send you a text or email with photos showing the job is done. Is it safe for my children and pets to be on the lawn after services? Most lawn maintenance is generally safe. However, if chemicals are introduced, children and pets must stay off the grass during treatment and for at least a few hours afterward. The exact number of hours they should keep away depends on the substances applied and what your lawn care specialist recommends.

Editorial note: The name “Homefront” refers to the alliance between USA TODAY and Home Solutions that publishes review, comparison, and informational articles designed to help USA TODAY readers make smarter purchasing and investment decisions about their home. Under the alliance, Homefront provides and publishes research and articles about home service and home improvement topics. Homefront has an affiliate disclosure policy. The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Homefront editorial staff alone (see About Homefront). Homefront adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is believed to be accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information. Go back to top Our editors may use AI as an input tool to tailor information in local markets. All content goes through a rigorous research and review process led by our team of writers and editors.

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